As the Internet evolves, so does our need for privacy. Tinozplace.com has just launched a private chat server that takes your privacy very serious. With End-to-End Encryption that uses a 4096bit key between you and the person you chat with, your privacy is ensured.
An added bonus is that you get the best in video and voice chat that rivals the best companies in the world.
The setup is quite easy and there are multiple ‘chat agents’ or clients for it. Android, iOS, PC, Mac, Desktop, Web; the choice is yours.
Just visit this site to get your chat client for your needs.
You’ll be connecting to a ‘Custom Server’ with the URL: https://matrix.tinozplace.com:8448, after that, register for a new user and then start a direct chat. Any questions, ask @tino:matrix.tinozplace.com in the chat.
The email verification can sometimes get stuck in your junk mail folder, make sure to check there if it doesn’t appear in more than 2 minutes.
Stay private, stay safe, stay happy.